Lincolnshire Construction Week 2-4/10/18

The Lincoln School or Architecture and the Built Environment became involved for the first time in the Construction Week, an annual event organised to inspire school children from Lincolnshire to work in the construction industry. A variety of trades and local firms are represented and children get the chance to meet and work with them.

However, until this year, the University was not represented, meaning that taking part in this event became an excellent opportunity for the first year Master of Architecture students to explain what made them decide to study architecture and what they are learning on the course, in the hope that they will inspire future generations of designers.

The students, supervised by Dr. Marcin Kolakowski, Doina Carter and Dr. Jill Zhao, prepared PowerPoint presentations,  puzzles of famous buildings and urban design games for  around 150 school children organised in 12 sessions. These activities highlighted the differences between professions such as architects, planners, urban designers, structural engineers and builders.

We hope our participation at this event not only inspired children and heightened their life aspirations, but also proved a good exercise for our students who had a chance to reflect on why they embarked on this journey and their experience of it.

text: Marcin Kolakowski and Doina Carter

photographs: Doina Carter 

Down to earth

John Muir wrote: “Of all the paths you take in life make sure a few of them are dirt.” On a sunny September day, the 4th year students did take such a path!

In an event organised by Dr Marcin Kolakowski in cooperation with research colleagues from Millstone Conservation,  the 4th year students had the opportunity to travel to Welton le Marsh, Candlesby in Lincolnshire and take part in a hands-on workshop.

During the presentation and workshop students learned some aspects of the technology relating to the most fundamental way of building – using un-fired earth. It is worth noting that 2/3 of all the buildings across the world are made out of un-fired earth.